Registration for the 2024 Society of Rogerian Scholars Annual Conference (October 4-6)
is now OPEN.
Invites Abstracts for the Virtual 2024 Annual Conference
Accessibility, Belonging, & Justice: Emerging Perspectives in
the Science of Unitary Human Beings
Keynote Speaker
Howard K. Butcher, RN; PhD; FAAN
Professor & Director, PhD Program,
Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing, Florida Atlantic University
Deadline for submission is Wednesday, May 15, 2024
October 4 – 6, 2024
The Society of Rogerian Scholars (SRS) was founded in 1988 with the mission of advancing nursing science through an emphasis on the Science of Unitary Human Beings (SUHB). The focus of the Society is education, research, and practice in service to humankind.
In keeping with the mission, abstracts are invited for paper, poster, or other creative presentations or symposia on topics related to the conference theme. Topics grounded in Rogers’ SUHB addressing diversity, equity, and inclusion are welcomed. Abstracts will undergo blind review based on:
appropriateness to the conference theme;
significance for SUHB theories, practice, education, research, or administration;
rigor and soundness of methods;
innovativeness; and
overall quality.
Submit abstract and contact information via the link below the information needed will be:
Contact and presenter information, abstract title of no more than 15 words, and type of submission (paper, poster, symposia, creative works specified).
Abstract (maximum of 250 words) identified by abstract title only (no identifying data).
Deadline for submissions: Monday, May 15, 2024. Notification of acceptance is anticipated approximately May 31, 2024.
For inquiries contact: arlene.farren@csi.cuny.edu or krsheikh@widener.edu
Anti-Racist Statement
The Society of Rogerian Scholars stands with those protesting against the longstanding pattern of systemic racism resulting in violent deaths of Black People and serious health disparities in Black Communities. We understand the integral connection between the environment and wellbecoming, and we are dedicated to the mutual processes of creating a more just and equitable world. We understand that systemic racism is also associated with other marginalized communities.
We believe that power is the capacity of all humans to participate knowingly in change. We commit to participate knowingly in change of the political, social and economic environment. The power of knowing participation in change requires ensuring an awareness of the structures that sustain discrimination and racism, freedom to act intentionally to transform those structures, while choosing to support equality, equity, and justice, and involvement in creating change for human betterment.
Upcoming Events
Dialogues on Unitary Science
Please join us on Monday, February 5, 2024 from 4:30 to 6:00 PM Eastern for the Society of Rogerian Scholars’ Dialogues on Unitary Science. The purpose of our Dialogues is to learn and deepen our understanding of the Science of Unitary Human Beings.
The dialogue will focus on
Integrality: The Heart of Rogerian Nursing Science.
Attached are reflections from Dr. Violet Malinski.
Mark your calendar for the next dialogue:
April 1, 2024 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM
Leslie H. Nicoll, PhD, MBA, RN, FAAN has been appointed as Editor of Visions: Science of Rogerian Nursing Scholarship, effective January 1, 2025. Dr. Nicoll brings a wealth of editorial experience to the role, having served as Editor-in-Chief of CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing (30 years); Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing (10 years); and Nurse Author & Editor (9 years). Dr. Nicoll has provided leadership and vision to the International Academy of Nursing Editors (INANE). She has led the Planning Committee for the Annual Conference for over 10 years, created the Nursing Journal Hall of Fame, and developed and implemented the Mentoring Editors Awards, now known as the Suzanne Smith Editor Fellowship. In addition, she has overseen the establishment of the Suzanne Smith Development fund, a philanthropic endeavor which financially supports many INANE initiatives.
Visions is published quarterly within the pages of Advances in Nursing Science. This publishing innovation expands the readership of Visions to a broader audience of nurses interested in theory, knowledge development, and scholarly research dissemination. In addition, being published within ANS provides Visions with an Impact Factor and indexing in MEDLINE, Scopus, and CINAHL. However, Visions remains its own unique publication with an Editor, Editorial Board, and panel of peer reviewers. This allows the publication to focus on innovations and developments in the Science of Unitary Human Beings, as it has since it was founded in 1993.
President of the Society of Rogerian Scholars (SRS), Dr. Richard Cowling says, “We are excited to have Dr. Nicoll take the reins of Visions as we begin 2025. Her vast editorial experience, along with her creativity and leadership will situate the publication to grow in the coming years. In addition, I am grateful to Dr. Jane Flanagan who served as interim Editor for the past two years and helped to develop Visions within this new and exciting publication model.”
Dr. Nicoll is an active member of SRS and has supported the annual conference as a member of the planning committee, providing technical support and assistance. She is also a key planner for the Virtual Nursing Theory Week, held annually in March. Her interest in nursing theory was sparked during her undergraduate education at Russell Sage College in Troy, NY (1977) and continued in her Master’s program (University of Illinois, 1980) and doctoral study at Case Western Reserve University (1988). She was the Editor of Perspectives in Nursing Theory for four editions, first published in 1986.
Dr. Nicoll welcomes manuscripts for Visions as well as qualified individuals to serve as peer reviewers. To learn more, please contact Dr. Nicoll directly at Leslie@medesk.com or by phone at 207-415-1590.
Marlaine Smith, President
Message from the President
September, 2024
Urgent Call for Awards Nominations:
Please consider nominating yourself or a colleague for one of the Society of Rogerian Science Awards. We have a new award that has been sponsored by Dr. John Phillips, the John Phillips’ Outstanding Publications/Artistic Work Award. This award recognizes a publication that advances the SUHB or a work of art depicting the SUHB. We appreciate his generous donation for the award.
Society of Rogerian Scholars Awards Nomination Form
Instructions: Please submit one completed nomination form for each nomination. Submit supporting documents with the form. All awards, except for the President’s Award, are reviewed by a panel of members. Nominations can be submitted between September 16 and September 30, 2024 to Marlaine Smith msmit230@health.fau.edu or Arlene Farren at afarren@att.net.
Award Categories | Supporting Documents Needed | SRS Membership Requirement |
Conference Presentation Awards: Podium | Reviewers Ratings Report at the close of the Annual Conference First Prize and Runner-up | Member or Non-member Presenting at the annual SRS Conference. Non-honoraria presentations are eligible. Selected by judges at conference. |
Conferences Presentation Awards: Poster | Same as above | Same as above. Selected at Conference by judges. |
Elizabeth Ann Manhart Barrett Excellence in Unitary Nursing Practice | Letter of Nomination with supporting information | Member |
Excellence in Nursing Education | Same as above | Member |
Excellence in Nursing Research | Same as above | Member |
Jacqueline Fawcett Nursing Theory Award | Same as above | Member or Non-member |
Founders’ Award | Same as above | Member |
President’s Award | Presidents Recommendation | Members or Non-members |
Golden Slinky Award | Letter of Nomination with supporting information | Member |
John Phillips Outstanding Publication/Artistic Works Award | Letter of nomination with supporting materials | Member or non-members |
You can find the complete Awards Brochure and Nomination forms here. It is not an arduous process to nominate yourself or another for an award. A simple ½ to 1 page letter that clearly states your reason for the nomination with supporting information is sufficient.
Renew Your SRS Membership Now
Don’t forget to renew your membership. The annual membership fee is $75.00 and includes a subscription to Advances in Nursing Science that contains Visions: Scholarship in Rogerian Nursing Science. If you have not renewed you will not receive the next issue of Visions in Advances in Nursing Science. Here is the link to renew.
Register for the SRS Conference October 4-6, 2024.
The annual SRS conference will be held on October 4-6, 2024 virtually through Zoom. This year’s theme is: Accessibility, Belonging and Justice: Emerging Perspectives in the Science of Unitary Human Beings. Dr. Howard Butcher will deliver the keynote presentation and Maria Smilios, author of The Black Angels: The Untold Story of the Nurses Who Helped Cure Tuberculosis will be the guest presenter. It’s going to be an excellent conference. Thanks to Drs. Kathy Sheikh and Arlene Farren, conference chairs.
Attend the SRS Business Meeting!
Share your perspectives on SRS at the Annual Business Meeting on October 5 at 3:30 PM. We are looking forward to hearing from members at the Business Meeting. You will be receiving an agenda for the meeting and the minutes from our previous membership meeting soon.
Join an SRS Committee
We invite you to get involved by joining at least one committee. We really need you! Our committees need members. It doesn’t take much of your time (maybe 1-2 hours/month) and it’s an inspiring experience to work with like-hearted people. We love new members and want to welcome you!
Here are some opportunities:
Conference Planning Committee – We’ll start planning the 2025 conference in December. We need your ideas!
Digital Communications is a new committee. We need your help using social media to get our messages out to a wider audience. Trystn Daley is chairing that committee. You can reach her at: Trystn.Daley@cuanschutz.edu.
Communications Committee oversees the SRS website. Contact msmit230@health.fau.edu to volunteer.
Publications Committee focuses on SRS publications like Visions. Committee chair is Dr. Nancey France at nfrance@health.fau.edu.
DEI Committee advances our goal to have a more diverse membership and for SRS to engage in policy dialogue and action related to antiracism, diversity, inclusivity, and equity. Contact Dr. Jane Hopkins-Walsh who chairs the committee at walshjm@bc.edu.
History and Archives is a new committee focused on retaining and accessing important documents related to Rogerian Nursing Science and SRS. Dr. Jacqueline Fawcett chairs and can be reached at Jacqueline.fawcett@umb.edu.
This is my last message to SRS members. My 2nd consecutive term as SRS President ends after our Annual Business meeting. It has been a joy and privilege to work toward the goals of our Strategic Plan https://www.societyofrogerianscholars.org/strategic-plan with our dedicated and talented SRS Board. I’m pleased that Dr. Richard Cowling will be assuming the responsibilities of President of our organization. He has committed his entire career to advancing Rogerian Nursing Science and is an experienced academic and organizational leader. In addition he serves as the editor of the Journal of Holistic Nursing. Here’s some of the organization’s work in the past 4 years related to the goals of our Strategic Plan:
Holding Dialogues on Unitary Science to promote mutual understanding of the SUHB.
Convening quality annual conferences that have been accessible to international participants.
Increasing our membership from 55 to 85 members.
Publishing the book Evolving Rogerian Nursing Science: John R. Phillips’ Unique Contributions, an excellent resource for those interested in studying the SUHB.
Updating the look and contents of the SRS website including adding access to an Archive of SRS Newsletters, issues of Visions and videos of conference presentations.
Publishing Visions: Scholarship in Rogerian Nursing Science as a section of Advances in Nursing Science (ANS) and providing all paid members with subscriptions to the journal. This allows authors to increase the dissemination of their work in a journal with wide distribution and an impact factor.
Expanding the number of committees to address goals related to increasing our visibility through digital media; disseminating awards for advancing Rogerian Nursing Science; expanding resources for those interested in the SUHB; enhancing our website, preserving our history; and promoting greater diversity, equity and inclusivity in our organization.
Extending our outreach and visibility by stablishing a collaborative agreement with the Global Academy of Holistic Nursing.
Continuing to be a fiscally sound organization while keeping costs low for membership dues and conference attendance.
Do you have any ideas for us? I hope to see you at the SRS Conference and our annual membership meeting.
Contact us a rogerianscholars@gmail.com.
In peace and wellbecoming,
Marlaine Smith, RN, PhD, AHN-BC, HWNC-BC, FAAN
President, Society of Rogerian Scholars